Young Lawyers Section
The Young Lawyers Section of the Macomb Bar Association (YLS) is an active group of young lawyers who are either 35 years of age or younger, or have been in practice for five years or less.
The YLS offers younger lawyers an opportunity to participate in community service projects, professional development programs, leadership development, activities and social events.
YLS Board of Directors

Young Lawyers Section Chair
Aaron J. Hall,
Assistant Prosecutor,
Macomb County Prosecutors Office

Young Lawyer Section
Mickey McCullough,
Sommers and Schwartz

Young Lawyer Section Secretary
Zachary Morgan,
Macomb Law Group

Young Lawyer Section Immediate Past Chair
Alecia Golm,
Judicial Service Officer,

Young Lawyer Section Treasurer
Matthew Capone
Ausilio Law Group, P.C.

Young Lawyer Section Director
Robert Penrod,
Secrest Wardle

Young Lawyer Section Director
Joseph Pernicano,
Pernicano Law, PLLC

Young Lawyer Section Director
Lesia Fedorak,
Macomb County Prosecutor's Office

Young Lawyer Section Director
Daniela Llenga
YLS Bylaws
This section shall be known as The Young Lawyers Section ("YLS") of the Macomb County Bar Association ("MCBA").
The objectives and purposes of the YLS MCBA shall include:
- Sponsorship and support of activities of interest and value to young lawyers in Macomb County.
- To cooperate, support, promote and coordinate activities with the MCBA as well as other local and state young lawyers groups.
- To establish good fellowship among the YLS, the MCBA and members of the legal community.
SECTION 1. AGE. Every attorney who is a member in good standing with the MCBA and the State Bar of Michigan and who is under thirty-six years of age is a member of YLS through June 30 of the members 36th birthday. The Chair and Chair-Elect will continue as members though their respective terms of office and succession, regardless of age, as long as they have met this requirement at the time each took office.
SECTION 2. YEARS OF PRACTICE. Every attorney who is a member in good standing with the MCBA and the State Bar of Michigan and who is over thirty-six years of age, but who has not yet been licensed to practice law for five years, is a member of YLS through June 30 following the members 5th anniversary as a licensed attorney. The Chair and Chair-Elect will continue as members through their terms of office and succession, regardless of their anniversary of licensure, as long as they have met this requirement at the time each took office.
SECTION 1. OFFICERS. The officers of the YLS shall include a Chair, a Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, (4) Directors, and Immediate Past Chair.
SECTION 2. QUALIFICATIONS. To be eligible to hold office, a person, at the time of the election, must be a member of the YLS.
SECTION 3. TERM OF OFFICE. The term of office shall begin on July 1 and shall be completed on June 30 of each year.
SECTION 4. VACANCIES: The Board of Directors, by a simple majority vote at any YLS meeting, may fill a vacancy for the remainder of an unexpired term; however, any vacancy for the position of Chair shall be filled by the person holding the position of Chair-Elect. The position of Chair-Elect shall be filled at the next YLS Board of Directors meeting and shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term.
SECTION 5. CHAIR. The Chair shall be the chief officer of the YLS who presides and schedules all YLS Board of Directors meetings. In the absence of the Secretary at a meeting of the Board of Directors, the Chair will appoint a Director to take minutes.
Subject to approval of the YLS Board of Directors and Article IV, Section 4 referring to a vacancy of the position of the Chairperson, the Chairperson may nominate and/or accept nominations of YLS members of MCBA interested in filling a vacancy on the Board of Directors.
SECTION 6. CHAIR-ELECT. The Chair-Elect shall assist the Chair in the planning and coordination of the projects and activities of the YLS and shall perform the other duties incident to the office. The Chair-Elect shall automatically succeed to the office of Chair at the conclusion of the term of Chair-Elect. ln the event the Chair-Elect succeeds to the office of Chair prior to the expiration of the term as Chair-Elect, he/she shall continue in the office of Chair through the full term of office that he/she would otherwise have served.
SECTION 7. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep all minutes and records of meetings of the YLS Board of Directors, and prepare agendas for each meeting of the Board of Directors, as well as the other duties incident to office. The Secretary shall automatically succeed to the office of Chair-Elect at the conclusion of the term of Secretary.
SECTION 8. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall maintain current information as to the financial affairs of the YLS as well as the other duties incident to office.
SECTION 9. DIRECTORS. There shall be four (4) positions for the position of Director.
SECTION 1. MEMBERS. There shall be a Board of Directors which consists of a Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Directors (4): and Immediate Past Chair. The Board of Directors of the YLS shall be its final policy-making body.
SECTION 2. NOMINATION. The Board of Directors shall determine procedures for election by the general membership.
SECTION 3. TERMS. Unless otherwise provided in these bylaws, the term of office for any position of the Board of Directors of the YLS of the MCBA shall run from July 1 through June 30.
SECTION 4, IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR. The Immediate Past Chair shall be a member of the Board of Directors of the YLS with full voting rights.
SECTION 5. MEETINGS. The elected members of the YLS Board of Directors shall take office on July 1. Regular meetings of the YLS Board of Directors' shall be held at least four times each year in Macomb County or at such other times and places as the YLS Board of Directors shall designate. Special meetings may be called by the Chair, either upon his/her own initiative or upon written request of two-thirds of the YLS Board of Directors and shall be held at the time and place designated by the Chair.
SECTION 6. ATTENDANCE. All YLS Board of Directors to attend all monthly
Board meetings pursuant to the duties associated with holding office and the YLS
ByLaws. Should an officer/director of the YLS Board miss two consecutive meetings or three total meeting, the following procedure and protocol will apply:
A notice of intent to remove will be sent to the officer/director, stating the dates of meetings missed and date of next meeting at which to appear in order to remain on the YLS Board.
- The officer/director must petition to the YLS Board at the next monthlv Board meeting in order to remain on the Board. Said petition may be oral and include an explanation of absences. The Board present at the meeting of Petitioner will then vote (bv secret ballot or otherwise) to approve or deny.
- If the Board approves, the officer/director continues to serve out his/her term of office unless further absences occur. Should two or more absences occur, the officer/director must then repeat the process to remain on the Board.
- If the Board denies the office becomes vacant and pursuant to the newly adopted Bylaws, the vacancy is filled by nomination and vote of the YLS Board at the next YLS Board meeting.
- In the event that new members are elected by the YLS Board the new
officer/director(s) will serve out the remainder of the term/office vacated.
If, in the event that an officer/director fails to appear at the next meeting to petition to remain on the YLS Board, the office held then becomes vacant and open for nomination to fill the vacancy. - The officer/director may voluntarily resign if he/she determines that s/he is no longer able to fulfill the duties/obligations of the office, thus also creating a vacancy on the Board open for nomination to fill the vacancy.
SECTION 7. QUORUM. At any meeting of the YLS Board of Directors a quorum of the
YLS Board of Directors shall consist of a simple majority of its members entitled to vote at such meeting. In the event that a quorum is not present at any meeting, the members present may proceed with the business of the meeting as if a quorum were present and their acts shall become authorized when, and if said acts are ratified in writing by enough absent members entitled to vote and those members entitled to vote who were present at the meeting, together which shall constitute a majority of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 8. VOTING. Each Board of Directors member eligible to vote is entitled "to one vote on each matter submitted to vote. The vote shall be cast orally. Any action to be taken by a vote of the Board shall be authorized by a majority of the votes cast by Board members entitled to vote.
SECTION 1. ANNUAL MEETING: At least one (I) annual meeting Will be held each year.
SECTION 2. VOTE: All members of the YLS are entitled to vote for the Board of Directors.
SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members of the YLS Board of Directors present and voting at any meeting and such amendment shall be effective upon approval of the MCBA Board of Directors which shall become effective on the date of MCBA Board of Directors approval. The bylaws shall not conflict with MCBA bylaws and should any provision be found in conflict with the MCBA bylaws, that provision shall be declared invalid; however, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the bylaws and the conflicting provision shall be stricken.
SECTION 2. PUBLICATION. Any proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing to the YLS Board of Directors by any member of the YLS and shall follow the procedures
set forth in the MCBA Bylaws.
SECTION 3. DISSOLUTION. In the event of dissolution of this section, all property shall become the property of the MCBA.
The foregoing bylaws were submitted to the YLS Board of Directors on April 4, 1997 and approved by a 2/3 vote or more. These bylaws were submitted to the MCBA Board of Directors and approved on April 4, 1997.